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School Uniform


Headlands promotes the smart appearance of our children. Although the wearing of uniform is not compulsory, the school governors support the wearing of school uniform and to this end we have a ‘dress code’. This contributes to the sense of belonging, gives a common purpose and fosters a feeling of pride.

This consists of a white shirt/blouse or polo shirt, a red sweatshirt/ jumper/cardigan and dark grey or back trousers/shorts/skirt with white or grey socks/tights. Sensible heeled school shoes should be black, dark brown or dark blue (not trainers).

In the summer girls are able to wear a red checked dress. Suitable sandals may also be worn.

Uniform items are available with the school logo from

Children need a change of clothes for Physical Education. We are an active school and enjoy a wide range of sports throughout the year.


Red or white t-shirt, round, v-neck or polo shirt

Black or grey shorts.

Plimsolls/ non marking trainers


Red or white t-shirt, round, v-neck or polo shirt

Black or grey shorts

Trainers for use on the playground or field

Appropriate jogging bottoms and sweatshirt/fleece in black or grey.

PE kit is left in the cloakroom so a PE bag is needed.

FOREST SCHOOLS ( When requested)


Waterproof over trousers and jacket

Please ensure that every item of clothing is named.