Frequently Asked Questions
What are the school office opening times?
8.30 am to 9.30 am in the morning and 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm in the afternoon. We ask that you adhere to these times whenever possible except for emergencies, or children returning from appointments.
When/Where can I purchase school uniform from?
Items for school uniform may be ordered directly from our school supplier Get Branded. Please log on to their website:
How do I order and pay for school dinners ?
KS1 children are entitled to a free school meal under the UIFSM programme funded by the Government. All dinners are ordered using the online system 'School money'.
What residential visits do school go on?
Y5 Marrick Priory
Y6 Northumberland (Hawkhirst Scout Adventure Centre)
What is the procedure to report my child’s absence from school?
Please ring the school and leave a message on the answer machine by 8.30 am stating name, class, and brief nature of absence/illness.
How long does my child need to be off school if they have sickness and diarrhoea?
The school follows the Department of Health guidance: 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.
When I visit the school by car where can I park?
There is no parking available for parents in the school grounds. Cars should be parked safely and considerately using the adjoining streets.
What time does school start?
Please drop off your child at the inner black gate between 8.45-8.55am. EYFS and KS1 children are picked up by an adult at 3.25pm and KS2 at 3.30pm.
From September 2023 the statutory School day is 32hours 30 minutes.
EYFS and KS1 children currently have a school day of 32 hours 30 minutes
Key Stage Two children currently have a school day of 32hours 55 minutes
If I need to discuss a matter with my child’s class teacher, when is the best time? Please email the school to make an appointment with the class teacher. This would normally take place after school but mutually convenient times would be arranged between staff and parents.
If I have a complaint, what do I need to do?
Most issues can be resolved quickly by speaking to your child’s class teacher. If you have not been able to reach a resolution please contact a senior member of staff, who will work with you to find a resolution. Please refer to the school complaints procedure.
How often do homework projects get issued?
This will depend on your child’s age. Please refer to the school Homework Policy.
What after-school clubs and lunchtime clubs are available to my child? A full list of extra-curricular opportunities is provided on the school website.
If I need to take my child out of school for a doctor/dentist appointment, what is the procedure?
We would encourage parents to make routine appointments before or after school or during school holidays wherever possible. We recognise that some appointments, such as specialist orthodontic appointments can only be organised in school time. If possible, please make these near lunchtime, the beginning or end of the day to minimise disruption.
If my child is prescribed medicine from the Doctor, does the school administer medicine?
There is no legal duty for school staff to administer medication; this is purely a voluntary role. However school staff will administer prescribed medicines only, provided parents complete a Form 3 (Parent/carer agreement for school/setting to administer medicine).
If my child forgets something and I need to bring it in for them, what do I do? You may bring the missing item to the school office where there is a large box for such items, together with labels to put your child’s name and class on. Please speak to the office staff if your child needs an item urgently.
Where is Lost Property located in school?
Please contact your class teacher for any missing items.
If I have a query and need to raise it with Parents Forum what is their email address?
If I would like to volunteer in school what do I need to do?
Speak to your child’s class teacher first. We welcome parent volunteers. All adults working in school will undertake a DBS criminal records check before being invited into school for an Induction Meeting with the Headteacher.
Do I need to provide my child with a snack for playtime in Reception/KS1?
All KS1 and Reception pupils are provided with a fruit/vegetable snack daily. If you wish to supplement this you may provide your own healthy snack.
Does Headlands School provide access to wrap-around care?
Total Sports Limited operates on the Headlands Primary School site. It provides wrap around care for Headland's school children from 7.30 am to 5.15 pm. To contact the club, please visit the website