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Frequently Asked Questions
When will I find out which class my child is in?
We usually finalize our class lists towards the end of June/beginning of July when we have had the opportunity to liaise with all pre-school settings. A letter to confirm the final class lists is usually sent out to parents throughout the first two weeks in July.
What can I do to prepare my child for starting school?
Please review the suggestions identified within the 'Information documents to read by parents/carers' section of the website.
What will I need for Forest School sessions?
The children will take part in a weekly Forest Schools session led by Mr. Mulholland. Here is a recommended clothing list for Forest Schools. Please remember to name all items of clothing. Thank you.
Do I need to provide my child with a backpack for school?
This is optional. However, large back packs do take up a lot of space in the cloakroom. They can also make it more challenging for your child to access their coats and other belongings from their peg too.
We usually ask that each child has:
- a book bag for their reading book, reading record, letters etc. The PTA have very kindly agreed to purchase these for all the children starting school in September and will be given out at the teddy bear's picnic.
- a P.E bag. Ideally a draw string bag is advised as this takes up less space on your child's peg than a back pack. This stays in school throughout the week and can be taken home at the weekend or at your convenience to be washed.
- a coat, hat, gloves, scarf, sun hat etc. depending upon the weather
- a water bottle / snacks / packed lunch (if appropriate)
- appropriate Forest Schools clothing, including wellies on the designated day.