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Our classrooms and learning environment

Here are some photographs and videos of our classrooms and learning environments.

EYFS-Welcome-Video COMP

This is the front of our school building. 

This is our newly built EYFS outdoor area.

This is our outdoor learning environment, including the field, the meadow, the forest schools area, the pond and the chicken coup.

Mr Mulholland - Information about Forest Schools.mp4

Infant & junior playgrounds

Breakfast and after school club

The EYFS environment

This is the door into the Reception classrooms

This is the Reception corridor. Each child has a named peg for them to hang up their coats and P.E bags.

Mrs. Neville's class are requested to place their book bags into the read and green boxes. Mrs. Hick's class are requested to place their book bags into the yellow and blue book boxes.

Lunchboxes are placed on the shelves in the corridor.

These are the toilets used by the Reception children.